API Basics

The Vesicash API provides access to seamless integration on your platform. The API allows you to create a wallet, initiate funding and withdrawal. You can create, accept, and manage escrow transactions between two or more parties. It also safeguard customers on your platform - allowing your customers to create, initiate, fund, hold and release payments from our escrow vault. Also, allows you to set up checkout in order to create, and manage merchant of records transactions for your business.

When you've fully tested and are ready to go live, you can proceed to create a live business account and of course, login to generate live API Keys to replace the test keys.

Making a Request

Next to each endpoint is the expected method to access that endpoint. All you need to do is pass in the specific parameters as will be shown in this documentation, and you can make calls to the endpoints.

Input/Output Format

Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Content type for responses will always be application/json.

Generally, all responses will be in the following format:

Base URL

All API requests must be made over HTTPS to the following base URL, and unencrypted HTTP connections are not supported.

When calling any API, the environment keys used, would determine if the request is on a test environment of live environment.

NOTE: All request must be made with a valid Vesicash public and Private keys.


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